Hardwood flooring and home value

There are two main reasons why you should consider having hardwood flooring installed in your home: current value and resale value. Current value refers to the value you experience while living in the home, while resale value refers to the added value when you decide to sell your home. So the question is, do hardwood floors increase home value?


Think about it…No.1 Best Hardwood Flooring Option - Floors Touch

Hardwood flooring is one of the best flooring options for a home because it’s beautiful and easy to maintain. What homeowner wouldn’t want hardwood flooring? One way that hardwood flooring makes a home more attractive to home buyers is that fact that they will not have to replace the home’s flooring.

Almost every modern home has hardwood flooring installed somewhere. Even if hardwood flooring isn’t a buyer’s first choice for flooring, they’ll probably still keep it because of the value it adds.

Aside from marble flooring, hardwood is the flooring option that will add the most to your home’s resale value.


Compared to other flooring options

Most other flooring options do not increase a home’s resale value, especially not to the extent that hardwood flooring does. In fact, some flooring options can even reduce a home’s resale value.

Hardwood flooring lasts a long time and can be maintained quite easily. Home buyers know that hardwood flooring can be sanded and refinished, so they know what value it adds.


In conclusion

Hardwood floors offer:

  • Visual appeal
  • Ease of maintenance
  • Refinishing properties
  • Durability
  • Long lifespan

Ultimately, hardwood flooring adds quite a bit of value to a home. You will benefit from having hardwood flooring installed during your stay in the home, as well as when you decide to sell it.

Contact Floors Touch for all your flooring needs! We’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you might have! Once you choose your flooring, we’ll provide you with an estimate and even complete the installation for you. Call Floors Touch today at (214) 326-0100! Also, check out our blog for more helpful flooring and remodeling tips. You can also visit our social media for more details.

Do you want to know more about our home flooring solutions? Call Floors Touch of McKinney at (214) 326-0100 for more information.